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クリーチャー — 人間・ウィザード
3 / 2
スタンダード : 不可パイオニア : 可能モダン : 可能レガシー : 可能ヴィンテージ : 可能パウパー : 可能統率者戦 : 可能
アルケミー : 不可エクスプローラー : 可能ヒストリック : 可能タイムレス : 可能
献身的な電術師 ゼンディカーの夜明け#135
原文Ardent Electromancer's ability uses the stack and players may respond to it. It isn't a mana ability because the event that causes it to trigger isn't a mana ability.

原文To determine "the number of creatures in your party," check whether you control a Cleric, whether you control a Rogue, whether you control a Warrior, and whether you control a Wizard. The number is the total number of those checks to which you answered yes. Each creature you control can be counted for only one of those checks.

原文If a creature has more than one party creature type, and there are multiple ways to count that creature that could result in a different number of creatures in your party, the highest such number is used. For example, if you control a Cleric and a Cleric Wizard, the number of creatures in your party is two. You can't choose to have it be just one by counting the Cleric Wizard first as a Cleric.

原文An ability referring to the number of creatures in your party gets a number from zero to four. Such abilities never ask which creatures are in your party, and you never have to designate specific creatures as being in your party. You can't choose to exclude creatures from this count to lower the number.

原文If an ability of a creature counts the number of creatures in your party, that number is counted as the ability resolves. If that creature is still on the battlefield when the ability resolves, it'll be counted if appropriate.

data from gatherer