(この英雄譚が出た際とあなたのドロー・ステップの後に、伝承カウンター1個を加える。IIIの後に、生け贄に捧げる。) I — 指輪があなたを誘惑する。その後、各プレイヤーはそれぞれ、あなたの指輪所持者のパワーに等しい枚数のカードを切削する。 II — 伝説でないすべてのクリーチャーを破壊する。 III — 各対戦相手はそれぞれ、自分の墓地にあるクリーチャー・カード1枚につき1点のライフを失う。
原文As the Ring tempts you, you get an emblem named The Ring if you don't have one. Then your emblem gains its next ability and you choose a creature you control to become (or remain) your Ring-bearer.
原文If the creature you choose as your Ring-bearer was already your Ring-bearer, that still counts as choosing that creature as your Ring-bearer for the purpose of abilities that trigger "whenever you choose a creature as your Ring-bearer" or abilities that care about which creature was chosen as your Ring-bearer.
原文Some spells and abilities that cause the Ring to tempt you may require targets. If each target chosen is an illegal target as that spell or ability tries to resolve, it won't resolve. The Ring won't tempt you.