/ 3GU
伝説のクリーチャー ― - エルフ・貴族
秘密会議 — 白の会議のエルロンドが戦場に出たとき、各プレイヤーは秘密裏に「仲間」または「救援」のいずれかに投票する。その後、それらの投票を公開する。「仲間」に投票した各プレイヤーはそれぞれ、自分がコントロールしているクリーチャー1体を選ぶ。あなたはこれにより選ばれたすべてのクリーチャーのコントロールを得て、それらは「このクリーチャーはオーナーを攻撃できない。」を得る。その後、あなたがコントロールしている各クリーチャーの上にそれぞれ、「救援」1票につき1個の+1/+1カウンターを置く。
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スタンダード : 不可パイオニア : 不可モダン : 不可レガシー : 可能ヴィンテージ : 可能パウパー : 不可統率者戦 : 可能
アルケミー : 不可エクスプローラー : 不可ヒストリック : 不可タイムレス : 不可
原文After the votes are revealed, starting with the player whose turn it is and proceeding in turn order, each player who voted fellowship chooses a creature they control for each of their fellowship votes. Then the controller of Elrond of the White Council's ability gains control of those creatures and they gain the listed ability. Finally, that player puts a +1/+1 counter on each creature they control for each aid vote.

原文If you have multiple votes, you can vote for fellowship multiple times. If you do, you can choose the same creature each time.

原文If you control Elrond of the Secret Council's ability, it is usually best to vote for aid. Gaining control of a creature you already control is only occasionally helpful.

原文To secretly vote, each player writes down their chosen option without showing it to anyone else. Each player then keeps their vote secret until all players simultaneously reveal their votes.

原文Before secret votes are revealed, players may announce how they intend to vote, but they can't reveal what they actually wrote down until all votes are simultaneously revealed. Players can lie about how they intend to vote before the votes are revealed.

原文Abilities that trigger "whenever players finish voting" trigger once all players have voted or once all secret votes are revealed, but they won't go on the stack until the current spell or ability finishes resolving.

原文Each player must vote for one of the available options. They can't abstain.

原文No player votes until the spell or ability resolves. Any responses to that spell or ability must be made without knowing the outcome of the vote.

原文The phrase "the vote is tied" refers only to when there is more than one choice that received the most votes. For example, if a 5-player vote from among three different choices ends 3 votes to 1 vote to 1 vote, the vote isn't tied.

data from gatherer