原文Consulate Surveillance's second ability doesn't target anything. You choose a source of damage as it resolves.
原文If the chosen source would deal damage to you and one or more other players or permanents, only the damage that would be dealt to you is prevented.
原文If multiple prevention and/or replacement effects are trying to apply to the same damage, the player who would be dealt damage chooses the order in which to apply them.
原文is the energy symbol. It represents one energy counter.
原文Energy counters are a kind of counter that a player may have. They're not associated with specific permanents. (Other kinds of counters that players may have include poison and experience.)
原文Keep careful track of how many energy counters each player has. You may do so by keeping a running count on paper, by using a die, or by any other clear and mutually agreeable method.
原文If an effect says you get one or more , you get that many energy counters. To pay one or more , you lose that many energy counters. Any effects that interact with counters a player gets, has, or loses can interact with energy counters.
原文Energy counters aren't mana. They don't go away as steps, phases, and turns end, and effects that add mana "of any type" to your mana pool can't give you energy counters.
原文You can't pay more energy counters than you have.