/ 2RR
プレインズウォーカー — コス
+1: 山1つを対象とし、それをアンタップする。 それはターン終了時まで、赤の4/4のエレメンタル・クリーチャーになる。 それは土地でもある。
-2: あなたがコントロールする山1つにつき、あなたのマナ・プールにを加える。
-5: あなたは「あなたがコントロールする山は『:クリーチャー1体かプレイヤー1人を対象とする。この土地はそれに1点のダメージを与える。』を持つ。」を持つ紋章を得る。
スタンダード : 不可パイオニア : 不可モダン : 可能レガシー : 可能ヴィンテージ : 可能パウパー : 不可統率者戦 : 可能
アルケミー : 不可エクスプローラー : 不可ヒストリック : 不可タイムレス : 不可
槌のコス デュエルデッキ:ヴェンセール vs. コス#44
槌のコス Secret Lair Drop#1248
槌のコス ミラディンの傷跡#94
槌のコス ミラディンの傷跡#94
原文Emblems behave similarly to enchantments: They have an ability that, in a general sense, continually affects the game. The primary difference between them is that emblems aren't permanents and don't exist on the battlefield. Nothing in the game can remove an emblem, simply because no other spell or ability references them. Once you get an emblem, you keep it for the rest of the game. Emblems have no color, name, card type, or other characteristics beyond the listed ability.

原文Koth's first ability can target any Mountain, including an untapped Mountain and/or a Mountain another player controls.

原文If Koth's first ability animates a Mountain that came under your control that turn, it will have "summoning sickness" and be unable to attack. It will also be unable to be tapped to activate an ability with the symbol in its cost, such as the Mountain's mana ability or the ability granted to it by Koth's emblem.

原文Loyalty abilities can't be mana abilities. Koth's second ability uses the stack and can be countered or otherwise responded to. Like all loyalty abilities, it can be activated only once per turn, during your main phase, when the stack is empty, and only if no other loyalty abilities of this permanent have been activated this turn.

原文Koth's emblem grants an activated ability to each Mountain you control at any given time for the rest of the game. It will continuously check which permanents you control are Mountains to determine what has the ability. For example, a Mountain that comes under your control later in the game will have the ability, while a Mountain you controlled at the time the emblem was created, but that later came under the control of another player, will no longer have the ability.

data from gatherer