原文Your card pool includes every card you drafted or received after the draft because of Deal Broker. It doesn't include any cards removed from the draft with Cogwork Grinder.
原文Conspiracies are never put into your deck. Instead, you put any number of conspiracies from your card pool into the command zone as the game begins. These conspiracies are face up unless they have hidden agenda, in which case they begin the game face down.
原文A conspiracy doesn't count as a card in your deck for purposes of meeting minimum deck size requirements. (In most drafts, the minimum deck size is 40 cards.)
原文You don't have to play with any conspiracy you draft. However, you have only one opportunity to put conspiracies into the command zone, as the game begins. You can't put conspiracies into the command zone after this point.
原文You can look at any player's face-up conspiracies at any time. You'll also know how many face-down conspiracies a player has in the command zone, although you won't know what they are.
原文A conspiracy's static and triggered abilities function as long as that conspiracy is face-up in the command zone.
原文Conspiracies are colorless, have no mana cost, and can't be cast as spells.
原文Conspiracies aren't legal for any sanctioned Constructed format, but may be included in other Limited formats, such as Cube Draft.