TOP画面検索結果一覧Ineffable Blessing
Ineffable Blessing
Ineffable Blessing
/ 1G
As this enchantment enters, choose a rarity.
Whenever a creature you control with the chosen rarity enters, draw a card.
スタンダード : 不可パイオニア : 不可モダン : 不可レガシー : 不可ヴィンテージ : 不可パウパー : 不可統率者戦 : 不可
アルケミー : 不可エクスプローラー : 不可ヒストリック : 不可タイムレス : 不可
原文For most recent cards, looking at the expansion symbol will tell you what you need to know. Any card with a black expansion symbol is treated as a common, including basic lands. Any card with a silver expansion symbol is treated as an uncommon. Any card with a gold expansion symbol is treated as a rare. Any card with a mythic orange expansion symbol is treated as a mythic rare. Any card with a different colored expansion symbol (such as the purple expansion symbols from the Time Spiral timeshifted sheet) is treated as a special rarity. Cards from before Exodus don't have expansion symbols. The rarities of those cards can be found on their Gatherer entries.

data from gatherer