Bar Entry
Bar Entry
/ 3W
Choose one —
• Destroy target creature with power 4 or greater.
• Destroy target creature with any part of its head higher than the bar. (Align the tops of both cards to check.)
スタンダード : 不可パイオニア : 不可モダン : 不可レガシー : 不可ヴィンテージ : 不可パウパー : 不可統率者戦 : 不可
アルケミー : 不可エクスプローラー : 不可ヒストリック : 不可タイムレス : 不可
Bar Entry Unfinity#290
原文y target creature with power 4 or greater.

原文y target creature with any part of its head higher than the bar. (Align the tops of both cards to check.)

原文To check if a creature is a legal target for the second mode, put the cards side-by-side, right side up, such that if you had a ruler, the top of both cards would be lined up against it. If any part of that creature's head is higher than the bottom of the bar (that is, if it would hit the bar), the creature is a legal target.

原文If there are multiple creatures in the art, only compare the one that represents the actual creature on the card. For example, Tarmogoyf (MMA) has the tarmogoyf itself and an elk in the art, and you need only consider the tarmogoyf.

原文If there are multiple creatures in the art that each match what the card is representing, then you can target that creature if any of them has any part of its head higher than the bar. For example, Llanowar Elves (M19) has three figures in its art, all of whom are Llanowar elves. The creature can be destroyed if any of those elves has a part of their head higher than the bar.

原文Only a creature's head counts. Other body parts (such as tails) being above the bar doesn't make a creature a legal target. If a creature is wearing a hat on its head, treat the hat as part of its head.

data from gatherer