原文Once you begin to cast the Zombie card, losing control of Gisa and Geralf won't affect the spell.
原文If you cast one Zombie creature card from your graveyard and then have a new Gisa and Geralf come under your control in the same turn, you may cast another Zombie creature card from your graveyard that turn.
原文If a Zombie card is put into your graveyard during your main phase and the stack is empty, you have a chance to cast it before any player may attempt to remove that card from your graveyard.
原文If multiple effects allow you to cast a Zombie creature card from your graveyard, such as those of Gisa and Geralf and Karador, Ghost Chieftain, you must announce which permission you're using as you begin to cast the spell.
原文Even though the cards portray the same characters, Gisa and Geralf has a different name than Ghoulcaller Gisa and Stitcher Geralf. Controlling Gisa and Geralf along with Ghoulcaller Gisa or Stitcher Geralf won't invoke the "legend rule."