If this card is in your opening hand, you may begin the game with it on the battlefield. If a card would be put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, exile it instead.
原文If your opponent discards a card while you control Leyline of the Void, abilities that check whether a card is discarded (such as Hollow One, or a madness ability of the discarded card) still work, even though that card never reaches that player's graveyard. In addition, spells or abilities that check the characteristics of the discarded card can find that card in exile.
訳文あなたが虚空の力線をコントロールしている間に対戦相手がカードを捨てた場合、そのカードがそのプレイヤーの墓地に届かなくても、カードが捨てられたかどうかをチェックする能力(Hollow One や捨てられたカードのマッドネス能力など)は依然として機能します。さらに、捨てられたカードの特性をチェックする呪文や能力は、追放領域にあるそのカードを見つけることもできます。
原文While Leyline of the Void is on the battlefield, nontoken creatures your opponents control won't die. They'll be exiled instead. Abilities that would trigger when those creatures die won't trigger.
原文Tokens can still die while Leyline of the Void is on the battlefield.
原文A player's "opening hand" is the hand of cards the player has after all players have taken mulligans. If players have any cards in hand that allow actions to be taken with them from a player's opening hand, the starting player takes all such actions first in any order, followed by each other player in turn order. Then the first turn begins.